Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Countdown To Kabul

Well, there's no getting around it - my time is getting short. I leave for Kabul in less than 20 days. Eighteen days, to be precise. Or, as a buddy recently pointed out, just 197 days until I come back!

It's a surreal feeling, knowing that I'll be on the other side of the world soon. We're all making an effort to spend our remaining time well. Some of what we're doing involves getting ready (updating wills, renewing passports, reviewing finances), but we're also making sure we're spending fun time together (pumpkin patch, etc). So far it hasn't felt too frantic, but I'm definitely feeling the deadline looming ahead.

Lorne Michaels from SNL once said "The show doesn't go on because it's ready; it goes on because it's 11:30." (That's 2330 for you military types). I'm in the same boat - I'm shipping out to Kabul when the day comes, whether I'm ready or not. I think we're in pretty good shape already, but no matter how much I prepare, there will always be One More Thing I'd like to do, if I just had a little more time.

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Take care of yourself but most of all be safe!!!!!!!!!!