Monday, October 3, 2011

Maslow's Heirarchy in Kabul

As I think about my upcoming deployment, I find myself focusing on different aspects of the experience. Sometimes it feels like the objective is just to survive - and much of my recent training has certainly reinforced that message: counter-IED training, first aid training, chem/bio warfare training... and the list goes on. But obviously the objective of going over there isn't just to survive it.

Other times, questions of comfort take center stage. Do I have all the right gear? Should I bring a big fuzzy towel? How's the food going to be? Will the weather be alright? How much sleep / exercise / mail will I get? And how about internet access? How often will I get to skype with the fam?

To be sure, I spend a fair amount of time thinking about doing the mission... even though I'm not entirely up to speed on what that mission will entail. But things like taking care of my team and being a good leader are certainly on my mind. Serving the community in Kabul, helping out with the local kids... these are things I want to do as well.

And then there are the personal objectives - a deployment is an opportunity for spiritual growth, professional growth and all that stuff. I'm hoping I'll be able to make time to do some writing, catch up on some movies I missed.

I'm aiming to hit a  balance between all these objectives - safety & comfort, service & growth. It's a lot to keep track of. I'm sure I'll manage it, some days better than others, and hopefully some of the planning & thinking I'm doing now will help keep things on track.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Hi Dan: I will be thinking of you and praying for you (and of course for Kim and the kiddos every day)... good question: (probably for me, the question, that drives all the other questions & issues): What is the mission for your group when you get to Afghanistan, and what is your mission? you can philosophically and spiritually mull that over for weeks,,, I'm sure you will handle it well... Good luck and God bless in SA with your training. Dad