Saturday, November 26, 2011

And Now, Some Complaints...

The team sport of complaining about military chow is a time-honored tradition, a beloved activity enthusiastically embraced by military personnel from every nation. In keeping with this proud heritage of this profession of arms, I hereby offer my complaints about the offerings of the ISAF Dining Facility (DFAC).
1) Sometimes, there are two people in line ahead of me at the espresso machine, so I have to wait a minute or two. This morning, I decided to get (gasp!) regular coffee, and it wasn't nearly as good as the espresso!
2) The fresh grapefruit wedges are cut too thick, making them difficult to eat. (UPDATE: The grapefruit cutter has been either retrained or replaced, because now the wedges are perfectly sized. Please disregard complaint #2)
3) My french toast was not very hot this morning. Also, they do not serve real maple syrup, only maple flavoured "syrup" (note the British spelling of flavour). (Also, Note to my family in NY & VT: send maple syrup!).
4) I never have enough time to finish the entire crossword puzzle on my placemat. Plus, I get placemat #0014 pretty often, and honestly, I can only partially complete the same crossword so many times before it starts to get boring.
5) The soft-serve ice cream machine only dispenses one flavor per day. Today it was vanilla, but I wanted chocolate.
6) There is no ice for my drink. Compounding this insult, instead of "iced tea," the tea dispenser is labeled "'chilled tea." As everyone knows, that just isn't the same thing.
There, I have now fulfilled my obligation as a military man and complained about the chow. 

Having done that, I really should admit the food here is pretty good. It tends to be a bit heavier fare than I usually eat (and I'm trying to be careful about that), but there's always salad and lots of fruit and veg. For some strange reason, there are no raw carrots, only cooked ones. There are, however, a ton of cucumbers. Seriously, how many cucumbers can a guy eat? 

All in all, I don't have any real complaints, although I do miss carrots...


Susan said...

I do hope they get some good chocolate ice cream for you Dan. Just vanilla? Ugh! You need to keep up your strength! :-)

Dorothy said...

Finally catching up on all your blogs! I've been reading your facebook and forgot about the blog. As I read your comments about the food all I could think of is what would happen to Jamie if she went into the military and had to eat their food! :)

Bonnie B said...

First visit to your Blog, Dan -- excellent entertainment on this Saturday snow-day in Prescott Valley. Re. vanilla ice cream, I buy a yogurt-blend vanilla and sprinkle OVALTINE chocolate powder/crystals to get me thru the chocolate-deprived state of mind. Should I ask the box-sending Deb for some?? Don't know yet if I can sign in to this thing..... Bonnie B, just in case.

Gabe said...

Do you have a cookie preference? Stacey makes some mean Maple Walnut. Or perhaps some double chocolate brownies?

Unknown said...

@Gabe - those both sound good! Home made anything would be terrific. :)