Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Spot Where My Bed Is...

I haven't quite come up with a good name to refer to my accommodations - should I call it my bunk, my rack, my room, hooch, cabin, villa, cell... I'm stumped and am open to suggestions.
Regardless of what you call it, the place where I sleep (for lack of a better term) is surprisingly quiet and comfortable, but not large or fancy by any means. My dwelling (dorm? domicile? nest?) is one component of a larger modular structure. The overall building is composed of a series of what appear to be shipping containers stacked side by side and on top of each other (two layers high). There's a central hallway and the showers / restrooms at one end.
I share an 8 x 18 room (burrow?) with an Air Force Lt Col I met at CAST. It's good to be a Lieutenant Colonel (or an "OF-4" to use the NATO term), because many of the lower ranks have three to a room. In fact, I spoke with another Lt Col this afternoon, and he is in a room of 3. Yikes! Fortunately, he's at a different camp, so I'm optimistic they won't pack us in quite that densely here at the HQ. And so far, I've tended to get back to the room before my roomie does, so I've been able to chat with Kim without feeling weird about having another dude 5 feet away.
At the risk of sounding critical, I must say the walls of my abode are currently under-decorated and largely unattractive. The previous inmate left behind a few maps of the local area, along with an inexplicable poster featuring "Coffee Shops Of Seattle" with all their funny names (Happy Go Latte and Brewhaha, for example).  I've added some artwork from the kids, which is great, and am hoping to get a larger collection of decorations before long.
There's not much else to say about the place. It's small. It's got a/c and heat. It's dry and doesn't smell too funny most of the time. It ain't glamorous, but for now, it's my home-far-far-away from home.

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