Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ten Dollars?

I may have previously mentioned that our living facilities are cleaned by some local Afghans. And by cleaned, I mean *airquote* cleaned *close airquote* 'cause things never really get very clean around here. But the guys do mop the floor in the main hallway just about every day. I've also seen them standing around in the bathroom and shower areas, although I can't say I've seen them doing any actual cleaning in those areas and there are scant signs of progress.

Mostly I see them squatting alone in the hallway. Usually quietly singing a little tune to themselves. I have to admit, it's a tad creepy.

Determined to be a nice guy, I generally smile and nod and say hello to whichever cleaner is currently squatting in the hall. Today I thought I'd be a little more outgoing and added a "How are you?" to my greeting.

The guy stood up and shook my hand, and I though how nice, I'm connecting with this guy. Then he said "My wife" and mimed a pregnant belly, adding "Ten dollars?"

Aw, seriously? I'm getting shaken down for ten bucks just 'cause I said "How are you?" And wow, that's a little steep, but maybe he expected me to haggle with him and get down to $5. Back in DC the panhandlers usually just ask for a dollar.

I didn't give him any money and I'm sure there is no pregnant wife at home. But I was really taken aback. Here's a guy with a job asking for a handout. I'm sure we're not paying him a ton of money, but from what I've seen he's not doing all that much work either.

Anyway, just one more reminder that I'm not in the States (and not just because of how much he asked for). I think I'm going to stick with the hello's from now on...

1 comment:

Deb said...

Wow, Dan....I'd certainly stick with the simple "Hi", maybe even just a smile!