Monday, April 30, 2012

Motivated, Motivated, Motivated - SIR!

I had lots of goals when I got here. Get in shape. Save some money. Learn a lot. Meet interesting people. Get some writing done. Make a difference. Watch all 4 seasons of Arrested Development. Stay alive. You know, just typical deployment objectives. Happy to report I pretty much hit all of them.

And now that my deployment is coming to an end, there aren't a lot of goals left. There are still some photos I want to take, some things I want to write and people I want to drink coffee with, but the main goal now is just to pack up and have a smooth hand-over to my replacement. Which means my motivation to do stuff has diminished a bit.

So I'm not the first guy in the office in the morning anymore. I've handed off most of my responsibilities to other people, and my days aren't nearly as full as they were even a month ago. I'm hitting the gym 4 times a week instead of 6 or 7 - focus now is on maintaining my progress, not getting any faster, sleeker or stronger.

It's a weird feeling, to run low on goals. Now my objectives and future planning is oriented towards stuff I'll do back in the states: inprocessing, outprocessing, spending time with the family, getting ready to move... not necessarily in that order. But it's good to know that I did what I came here to do. Now it's time to focus on the next big adventure. And this time, I'll get to do it with my family by my side.

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