Wednesday, April 18, 2012

On The Glide Slope

Alert readers may have noticed a lack of recent posts here at AfghanDanistan. While previous shortages of new updates had been attributed to a particularly busy time period, I don't have the same excuse this time.

The thing is, having spent over 5 months in country, I'm sort of running out of new experiences to write about, new observations to share and new developments to comment on. When I first got here, everything jumped out at me as noteworthy and unusual, from the gravel to the laundry to the shops. But by now, I've basically seen and done about as much as I'm going to see and do.

I've achieved most of my goals already, so at this point my focus is pretty much oriented on getting ready to go home. So I'm packing up, putting stuff in the mail, filling out paperwork, writing notes for my predecessor and handing my responsibilities off to people who will be here longer than I will. Very exciting stuff to do... but maybe not so exciting to read about.

Going home, of course, will be a new and exciting experience. I'm sure I'll have stuff to say about that. But I'm not *quite* at the point where I'm actively preparing to depart. I've got about 23 days still before I say farewell to Kabul, which is a slightly awkward amount of time, blog-wise.

But don't worry - when I get to Manas I'm sure I'll have a story or two to share. Hopefully it won't involve me getting hit in the nose by another helmet.

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Don't worry Dan, if you wear that helmet with the nose-protector you will be just fine. You know, the one in the picture you recently posted. ;)