And now, a somewhat random list of odd things I'm looking forward to, once I get back to the states.
Using my right front pocket. That's where I used to keep my keys and a pen, but these days that pocket is entirely blocked by the pistol on my belt. Hard to get in there, so I've moved stuff to my left pocket.
Paying for a meal. I know, I know, three free meals a day sounds like a good deal, but like they say, he who pays the piper calls the tunes. Since I'm not paying, I don't have much say in what goes on my plate. Yes, they have two or three entrees at a time, but that's different than being able to a) pick a restaurant and b) pick something off a menu.
3) On that note,
Variety. Every day out here is pretty much the same. Yes, Sunday is church and Friday is a half-day, but even then those days end up being a lot like Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays... you get the picture.
4) Also on that note, I'm looking forward to
saying something other than "See you tomorrow" at the end of the day. Don't get me wrong, my team is great and I love them. But how cool will it be to say "See ya in a couple days" for a change?
Barefoot showers. You really don't want to take a shower here without flip flops or some other type of aquatic-friendly footwear on, although some guys do inexplicably leave their flip flops outside the shower stall (seriously?!?). Guess they don't want to get them wet? But it'll be nice to have a shower where I don't need flip flops.
Real buildings. Most of the buildings I'm in - both to work and to sleep - are constructed out of these 8 x 18 containers stacked on top of each other. The HQ building has real walls, but its construction is so rough that it doesn't feel like much of a step up.
Of course, there's plenty of other things I'm looking forward to, but that's some of the less obvious stuff.