Friday, March 23, 2012

Dirty Sheets, Done Dirt Cheap

It seems like every time I try to change the sheets on my bed, itI have to make multiple trips to the laundry to get it right.

For example, I recently returned to my cell with what I thought was fresh sheets. But when I unfolded them and tried to put them on my bed, this is what I saw:

Apparently, after the local laundry dude brought these sheets down to the river and rubbed it with a smooth rock, he or she then dropped it in a mud puddle... and then folded it up... and then gave it to me.

After taking a moment to make sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing (and snapping a photo for posterity), back to the laundry room I went. The guy behind the counter was very apologetic and gave me a new one. Having learned my lesson, I checked it as soon as he gave it to me. Guess what - this sheet had spent some time in that same puddle. Same with Try #3. We eventually found a clean set, which I'm now sleeping on. 

Given the track record, I'm not sure I want to trade these in... ever. Who knows what I'll get next time.

1 comment:

Eileen said...

ewwww is right.